Report illicit behaviors.
The Company undertakes to operate ethically and asks its managers, employees, consultants, collaborators, commercial partners and members of the corporate bodies of all group companies to behave in line with the Code of Ethics, to the Organization model, Management and Control pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, to the laws, applicable regulations and management systems applied in the company ISO 9001-45001-14001-39001-37001, SA 8000, UNI/Pdr 125:2022
In this context, Pavoni SpA has adopted and spread
- an internal procedure called “WHISTLEBLOWING PROCEDURE”, che fornisce strumenti e linee di comunicazione ai dipendenti per far emergere e contrastare fatti o comportamenti non conformi a leggi e regole interne da parte di chiunque sia funzionalmente legato alla società.
- un’informativa interna per la gestione delle segnalazioni legate ai sistemi di gestione applicati.
Who can report illegal behavior?
Anyone, person or entity, internal or external to the Company (e.g. employees, customers, suppliers, other business partners), without conditions deriving from areas or levels of responsibility, length of service, company position, contractual relationships.
Who can be reported?
Any person or entity functionally linked to the Company: employees, collaborators, Directors and Auditors of the Company, members of the Supervisory Body, Auditors, customers, suppliers, consultants and business partners.
What to report?
Violations by way of example:
- del Modello 231, irregolarità contabili, violazioni antitrust, frodi e minacce al patrimonio aziendale
- on the subject of corruption,
- in tema di responsabilità sociale, discriminazioni e molestie,
- ambientali e al sistema di qualità aziendale
- on health and safety, theft, and more.
Per le segnalazioni degli stakeholders interni ed esterni in tema di responsabilità sociale SA8000 e parità di genere UNI/PdR 125 indichiamo i seguenti riferimenti:
- Inoltro all’ente di certificazione: APAVE CERTIFICATION ITALIA S.r.l. – Via Giuseppe Rosaccio 33, 00156, Roma. Tel. +39 0633270123, Email:
- Forwarding to SAAS: Ente di Accreditamento SAAS – Social Accountability Accreditation Service – 9 East 37th Street, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 391-2106
For reports via email from internal and external stakeholders we indicate the following references:
Forwarding to the certification body: APAVE CERTIFICATION ITALIA Srl – Via Giuseppe Rosaccio 33, 00156, Rome. Tel. +39 0633270123, Email:
Submission to SAAS: SAAS Accreditation Body – Social Accountability Accreditation Service – 9 East 37th Street, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 391-2106 Email: